Improving Atlanta


Software Development

About Us

Improving Atlanta has been helping businesses deliver better software, faster for 15+ years. What do you get when you mix IT smarts with fun, family-friendly gatherings in an open workplace? This technology company brings together tech-savvy folks who also appreciate a good holiday party, such as a night at the Ritz Carlton. The atmosphere here is open and flexible: there’s no assigned seating and working remotely is common. Employees also appreciate little bonuses — $100 just for dressing up for Halloween — and the opportunity to give back to the community. Nearly everyone is client-facing, so if customer interaction isn’t your thing, this may not be for you. “Everyone that I have met here has a unique set of skills and all are incredibly smart,” one employee says. “It was a refreshing change for me to work with people who were sharp, willing to help and fun to be around.”

Video Media


St. Patrick's Day at IA!
We take Halloween seriously here!
SQL Saturday 2019 was a huge hit!
Our 2nd Annual Fun Run for CASA!